Sunday 26 June 2011


Int. Sukhdip, the past ICC Chairperson giving his speech after being named 
as the Best Interactor of term 2010-11.

The Interact Coordinating Council Exco of the term 2011-12

Here it is, our incoming ICC Chairperson ; Int. Shymala ! 
She's gonna rock our term !

On the 26th of June 2011, all incoming Board Members of all the nine Interact schools gathered in the Grand Ballroom of the Klang Executive Club. Rotarian Anthony Dass who constantly reminds us of the importance of being punctual kept announcing that we would begin at 8 a.m sharp. True to his word the leadership seminar began without any delays. Speeches were given by Rotarian President Gerard Lazarus, Past President Guna and many more other Rotarians. Words of advice and encouragement were give to the interactors who were going to uptake the responsibilities entrusted upon them to carry out with efficiency and excellence. After a long session of speeches, question & answer we broke for a quick meal and then proceeded to the Joint Installation and Award Ceremony. During this part of the event all the outgoing boards were retired and the incoming boards were officially installed. Same went for the ICC board. In between the installations performances were carried out. After installing every board of the 9 schools, the agenda proceeded to the award ceremony. This is where all awards are given out such as the best interactor award, best club award and etc. At 6.30 p.m the event ended with a light meal. All the interactors filled to the brim of the stomachs one by one they disappeared to head back to their respective homes full and satisfied. The rotary club does it again by organizing a smooth and successful event.

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